Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mnging people in retil Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mnging people in retil - Case Study Example In most retil orgniztions, these chnges come in the fce of reltively little premerger plnning. lthough mny firms consider the implictions of structurl chnge on their orgniztion, often such nlysis is cursory nd superficil. This pper will introduce the elements of structure within the retil orgniztion, then explore the reltionship mong structure, strtegy, nd culture. Finlly, the structurl chnges within retil orgniztion strtegy is presented in the previous pssges of the pper. Retil orgniztionl structure hs numerous dimensions: formliztion, speciliztion, stndrdiztion, hierrchy of uthority, complexity, centrliztion, professionlism, nd personnel rtios. mong them, complexity, formliztion, nd centrliztion re focl to our discussion of retil orgniztion (see Figure 1). Complexity refers to the number nd vriety of hierrchicl lyers, job titles, nd divisions nd deprtments within n orgniztion. The more lyers nd divisions, the higher the complexity of n orgniztion. (Bddeleys, Jmes, 1990) It is needed to sy tht the level of complexity vries within the retil orgniztion. Within Tesco, the legl deprtment hs mny lyers of lwyers nd stff members servicing the legl needs of different regions of the country, wheres mnufcturing my hve only one loction with two hierrchicl levels. Formliztion refers to the number nd content of rules nd regultions present within n retil orgniztion. The more written rules, stndrd operting procedures, nd policy mnuls, the more forml n orgniztion. The degree of formliztion determines how mny decisions re preprogrmmed, since rules nd mnuls cn replce mngeril decision mking. Highly formlized structures led to routine work nd ctivity. In forml orgniztions, behviors nd ctivities re predetermined since they re described in some document. Employee freedom in decision mking nd behvior is therefore highly limited. dditionlly, formliztion often leds to impersonlity for both employees nd customers Centrliztion The compny tht is being discussed hs decentrlized retil dministrtion. It is counted to be the cornerstone of orgniztionl policy tht is crucil when it comes to compny's retil success nd some difficulties to overcome every now nd then. The ltter my relte to the locl overpricing of goods, poor service, out-of-stock conditions, nd excessive nd unblnced inventories. t the mentime, compny officers ssume tht the dvntges of decentrliztion previl over its disdvntges. Centrliztion Centrliztion refers to the distribution of power nd decision mking within n orgniztion. The less the number of groups nd levels involved in decision mking, the more centrlized firm. In centrlized orgniztions, lrge mjority of ll decisions re mde by top mngers. In decentrlized orgniztions, on the other hnd, decisions re delegted or pushed down to lower levels. DETERMINNTS OF STRUCTURE There hs been considerble reserch regrding the fctors tht determine, nd re determined by, the structure nd design of n orgniztion. The fctors considered most often re size, technology, strtegy, externl environment, nd most recently, culture nd ledership. Evidence cn be found supporting the position tht these elements determine structure nd tht structure determines them. So there is circulr reltionship mong them. They ll mutully

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Cost and financial management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Cost and financial management - Coursework Example The analysis will be based on the 2012 annual report. The consolidated financial; statements are analyzed through incorporation of the traditional techniques as well as the ratio analysis. The traditional techniques employed include the horizontal, vertical as well as, the trend analysis. Ratios are significant when analyzing the financial statement s of a given company. The ratios are, therefore, analyzed in this report to measure the profitability, liquidity and the solvency of the company. Everything in the report has been thoroughly analyzed and errors minimized to the most professional levels. Apologies are made in case any errors or omissions are identified in the report. The company is fully committed to achieving the best position in the market share in terms of leading the market as well as ensuring customer satisfaction in the delivery of their products and services. Various initiatives have been executed and are still being executed. These initiatives relate to the improve ment of the product with the aim of achieving their set objectives or goals. The good cash performance observed in the past years has rendered the liquidity of the company strong. At the year end of 2012 for instance, the net cash flow was 122.6 million pounds. About WS Atkins The headquarters of WS Atkins is located in Century Way, in the United Kingdom. The Company is an engineering consultancy firm based on the international boundaries. The operations specifications include management technical and engineering services. The services are offered to both the public as well as the private sector clients that are located globally in all economic sectors. They are termed as general contractors. It is a holding company whose significant operations are limited to consultancy in the engineering as well design fields. The company operates in the United Kingdom, in the Middle East, in Europe, Asia Pacific and Energy. Different segments are observed in the five continents. The areas of oper ation in the United Kingdom include designs in environment, water, education defense, aerospace and design of the infrastructure. A lot of operations in North America include management services. The company provides planning of infrastructure, management services in construction, engineering, and consultancy in the environmental field, urban planning, and program management services as well as architecture. The range of the services the company offers in the middle east include design services as well as project management and engineering services in transportation, building and other programs relating to infrastructure. Asia Pacific business provides or offer services relating to engineering, urban planning and design, planning, rail design services and architectural services. The services the company offers in Hong Kong and Energy are very limited. In Hong Kong, the operations lie on urban rail developments, while, in Energy, the services include both engineering and management o f projects services. The records outline that the company owns Poyry Plc since the year 2011. The major competitors of WS Atkins include AMEC Plc, Amey UK Plc and Bechtel Group Inc. the fiscal year that ended 2012 reported revenue amounting to 2735.50 million pounds. According to the 2012 annual report of the company, the year ended 31st March 2012 marked a turnover growth rate of 9 percent to 1,711.1 million pounds. At the end of March, the number of employees is 17,420. The